All our dental care services are provided at a clinic near you, with convenient hours, state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained and licensed Dentists and Dental Assistants to provide the care you and your family deserve.
Tooth bonding is a conventional way of repairing teeth that are slightly chipped, crooked, or discolored. The process involves placing a white filling on the affected area that is matched to your tooth's natural color and then "bonding" it with your tooth to create a consistent appearance. Tooth bonding can also be used to replace the traditional amalgam fillings. Clients tend to prefer bond fillings because the white color is much more subdued than the silver of amalgam.
Bonding is less expensive and usually less time consuming than other treatments. However, there is the possibility that the bonding can stain or break. If this happens, an easy patch or repair can usually be conducted in one short visit to our practice.
Crowns or onlays (partial crowns) are needed when the tooth is not strong enough to sustain a filling. Unlike fillings, which involve the formation of restorative material directly in your mouth, the crown is constructed in the lab based on your unique tooth impression, and then applied. The crown is cemented to the existing tooth's area that is above the gum line, becoming the tooth's new outer surface.
Crowns can be made out of porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two – however, porcelain is often the preferred alternative because it most closely matches the appearance and strength of a naturally healthy tooth.
Root canals are used to remove diseased nervous tissue. The problem is typically caused by an infection resulting from bacteria entering the soft tissue of the mouth through a deep cavity or crack in the tooth. An abscess may then form, leading to pain and swelling. Root canals take 1 to 3 visits to complete. The affected tissue is removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, sealed, and filled with a dental composite. Depending on the level of damage and decay, a crown may be recommended to strengthen the tooth and prevent breakage.
Decay, infection, orthodontic correction, or abnormal growth are all examples in which removal of the tooth may be required. The root of the tooth is attached by a ligament to a "tooth socket" within your jawbone, and in order to extract the tooth the socket must be expanded and the ligament separated. The extraction of a tooth is generally a very quick process and can be conducted in one sitting. However, at Accent Dental, your comfort is our concern, so be sure to discuss any issues or preferences for sedation with your Accent dentist.
Decay, infection, orthodontic correction, or abnormal growth are all examples in which removal of the tooth may be required. The root of the tooth is attached by a ligament to a "tooth socket" within your jawbone, and in order to extract the tooth the socket must be expanded and the ligament separated. The extraction of a tooth is generally a very quick process and can be conducted in one sitting. However, at Accent Dental, your comfort is our concern, so be sure to discuss any issues or preferences for sedation with your Accent dentist.